Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Spider Arrives

It's here!

Reality has set in, as my new Spider arrived via UPS this afternoon. I've decided that I'm not going to open the box until I have earned all of the funds required to pay for it without dipping into our monthly retail budget. I cleared about half the purchase price from the sale of the FSR, and am expecting another check for around half the purchase price for a recent CLE presentation that I did. Once I get my CLE check, I'll open the box up and post some photos of the unboxing. Until then, the picture will have to serve as a preview...

I'm very excited.


bucky said...

uh, hopefully you will open it up to at least make sure its all in one piece, shipping mistakes happen you know.

Anonymous said...

Open the box! Open the freakin box!!!!! Must be the regimented legal training that allows you to keep from tearing open your presents on xmas morning!! :)
