Sunday, January 18, 2009


This afternoon was a short but fun trip up to Fallbrook for a ride on the Santa Margarita River Trail with Doug and his dad. I had been hoping to get some kind of ride in this weekend, and this turned out to be a good option.

We dropped into the trail from a fun downhill near Doug's parent's house, and then rode along the river for a bit. The trail itself is beautiful, and there were quite a few people out today enjoying the amazing weather.

The ride was more or less uneventful. I cleaned a few steep climbs that would have given me trouble in the past, which felt good. I also finished strong up a very steep pavement climb to the finish that Doug had warned me about.

Doug was having a good time, even if it didn't look like it.

The trail was in pretty good shape, though there were some sandy spots.

Father and son on the trails:

I did have an amusing fall as I tried to ride up and over a huge dirt mound that was at the base of the pavement climb. I think my big ring caught as I reached the apex of the mound, causing me to go OTB into the soft dirt. Fortunately, there was no photographic evidence.

I enjoyed riding with Doug as always, and the scenery on this trail is among the best for rides that aren't an hour away in the mountains.

All in all it was a fun, quick trip.

Here are the stats:

Total Distance: 5.23 miles
Total Time: 1:11:47
Ascent: 940 feet
Average Speed: 4.4 mph
Top Speed: 27.5 mph
Bike: Intense Spider XVP

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DougSully said...

Nice RR as usual!! Now you only have 3 more months of catching up to do ;-)

Anonymous said...

Great looking blog and pics! So what has been keeping you from posting in the past six months? Too much time on the trail?

Seriously, I'm bookmarking and checking back in.

Marc (FlatLander) Audet